Bergens Museums
Biologiske Stasjon
Prof. Dr. A. Brinkmann
adr: Bergens MuseumBergen 8/2 .........1937
My dear professor Turner.
I hope you will excuse me, that I first now send you my best thanks for your kind letter with the cristmas [sic] and new years [sic] greetings. I have had a very bad time untill [sic] short ago with Pyrrhoa alveolaris in my teeth and later I got a strong influenza. After I was all right again I therefore have had a lot of letters to write, and first now I came to the more private ones and to send you an answer on yours. Wee [sic] all thank you for your greetings and hope, that you too will get at [sic] good 1937.
My son has got the photos you send him and beg me to express his thanks for them. He came back from Oslo short before cristmass [sic] after having finished his examination in mathematics good. Now only the examination in chemistry is left, and he is in full work with his scientific investigation in zoology. Especially last summer he got a lot of material. Only from fishes in ouer [sic] area he has found abt. 50 species of trematodes. Several of them are new for ouer fauna or new to science. He is now studying their anatomy and later summers their life history will be investigated as far as possible. He is a very strong worker and I hope he will get something good out of it.
We have had a very windy and strong winter this year, the strongest i [sic] have had in the 25 years I lived here. A friend of mine, dr. [sic] Verwey, director of the biological station in den Helder in Holland, visited us in january. [sic] As he left the biological station he would go to Oslo with the train, but he had to stop in 6 days in Voss. All communication was interrupted at Finse, where a train stood absolutely frozen in in [sic] an iceblock[.] He returned to Bergen and had to go over Aalesund, Åndalsnes to Oslo. Last week he was in Gøteborg in Sweden, and stopped there, because all communication through Sweden and Denmark was stopped. I think he has learned, that the northern countries here can be very unpleasant in this time, and I am glad, that I wrote it to him before his arrival here. The most curious thing is, that we had storm here in Bergen but abt. 10 degrees over zero.
What you write about dr. [sic] Stockmann was just as I expected it would be. He is very clever. Prof. Krogh, which had the occasion to see his work found that too, but it is a pity, that he only worked here for himself and used two years without publishing a line for science. Would you be so kind to bring ouer best greetings to dr. [sic] Haywood. We all hope, that it shall not take long time untill [sic] we are seeing you both here again in Norway.
sincerely yours
Aug Brinkmann.