Burrville July 7th, 1884,My dear Alice
Your interesting letter of June 2. ought to have been answered before this time but I often feel that I have so little to write which would be of any interest to you that I delay on that account
Your enquire if we receive our mail other days than Friday? we do often, so you need not be particular about the day of the week for writing to us
John Colt has married a Burrville girl I do not feel much acquainted with her I know of nothing against her they were both educated at this school & never attended any where else her parents are respectable, she has worked out at housework and is industrious I suppose, for their wedding tour they went to New Haven, & Meriden to visit some of her cousins I am told since then all is very still, giving attention to farming I suppose[.] Some farms and gardens have suffered by the dry weather but ours has not very much I think but we have had some nice showers lately, tell us if you know how it was in New Britain
I am very much gratified to hear of the interest you take in the Society of Christian Endeavor I can assure you that every effort you make in that direction will be remembered with joyful satisfaction as long as you live even if it should be to a very old age we can never do too much for the Saviour Who gave his life to save us if we only believe and trust in His Word that those who repent of their sins and believe on Him shall be saved, my great grief is that I have done so little for his cause I hope now that the young ladies are to meet in the church parlors they will be better attended and you will do all in your power to help to keep them up, and believe that Christ has opened this way for you to work for Him, please tell us more about the class of children that you are teaching
Aunt Chloe is not geting [sic] any better, she is at Emeretts, is in the chamber and not able to come down at all her disease is in her stomach, and we are feeling very anxious about the result, it has been a long time that she has been troubled with it but not nearly as bad as now, she has not been able to come down home since her return from the South and we fear she never will be - Julia is at home and I think she does not expect to attend school any more, only to take music lessons -
Eddie Tuttle is home for vacation but expects to return Annie and Fanny are keeping boarders as usual and think they have to work pretty hard they say - I hope you may have the good luck to get a good girl for your kitchen soon and be able to keep her for a long time. We are all in comfortable health and all send a great deal of love
Your ever affectionate Grandma
Tell your Grandma that I think of her often & wish something could be done for her relief but hope she will cast her care on Him who careth for her and find much comfort in so doing
Thank you for the Constitution and the papers