A Letter Written Jun 19, 1851

Newburyport June 19. 1851.

Sue, my dear daughter we received your letter yesterday morn. With regard to your continuing there as a teacher another year, though we feel it would be very pleasant to have you with us, yet are perfectly willing if it is the Lords Will, that you should teach one year or more, and I should prefer if your health will admit, to have you a teacher there to any other place at present.

I think nothing is better calculated for disciplining the mind and perfecting the knowledge you have already acquired, than teaching. We shall look upon it as a great favour from Heaven if you are deemed worthy of office as teacher in Holyoke Female Seminary and your health sufficient for the duties and responsibilities.

Therefore, if you feel it is a duty and would like it, we shall cheerfully consent, but if you think it would be better for you to rest one year, we shall be glad to have you with us. I think teaching with you will be pleasant and may be better for your Health than studying has been. You must learn to do the work well and then leave it with the Lord and cheerfuly [sic] submit to whatsoever results may come, not allone [sic] yourself to be worn out by responsibilities and anxieties about matters and difficulties, which if you have acted you pass right the Lord will take care of.

Mother has company to day but will write in a few days [off...ly]. How is Harriet & hope she is getting better.

Your Father N. Brown.