A Letter Written Nov 24, 1848

Newburyport Nov. 24. 1848
by candlelight -

My dear daughter

I dont like to have you disappointed when it comes Saturday night so I have set down at this late hour to write you a word[.]

We have not heard from you since the letter Mr Hale brought us, I was right glad to hear from Mary as I did, and also the postales from Susan relating to her time &c - but cannot stop now to make any remarks, mother has been busy this week & had not time to write, Mr & Mrs Holmes came to our home last week Wednesday and we went with them to Hampshire Thanksgiving returned same evening. The Whigs [?] had a quick time here last Wednesday Evening [...] high illumination & the illumination was very fine as everybody said. Mother & I did not go out, most every body did the street[s] were light almost as day, we shall here [sic] from you I suppose to morrow, how does Miss Hale like, - Lydia Todd has another daughter and Gerrith [?] is over there[.]

I cant write more now for it is late - so good buy. [sic]

Your Father N. B.-