[Some paragraph breaks were added for ease of reading.]Newburyport Nov 29th, 1847.
Dear Mary
Here I am seated in school but I don't feel one bit like studying it seems quite strange to be here. Our new teacher Mr. Case is here I suppose you want ot know what kind of a looking man he is[.] Well, he is rather tall about like Mr. Seymour I guess light complexion, very light hair and has a very high forehead and wears gold bowed glasses he looks something in the face like Mr. Tilton (Martha Ann's father) though he has not quite so flat a face[.] When I came this morning I did not know who of our division would be here[.] I knew Haty Storey was coming but whether any one else was coming I did not know but we have mustered quite a class[.] Harriet DeFord [?] and Lizzie Coolidge were here besides Haty & myself then there are two girls from Mr Case's school at Pepperill who I believe are going to board in town and come here to school & be in our class their names are Barren & Farrer they have queer names at Pepperill I think don't you. I sit in Lucy Williams' seat[.] Harriet Deford sits in her old seat & L Coolidge next her then there are two seats left between Lizzie and myself for those two young ladies I mentioned[.] Haty sits where Sarah Atkinson did.
Wednesday morn 10 min after 10
I intended when I left this Monday afternoon to write some more after recess but I did not have time Miss Shaw gave me permission to write some this forenoon and said she would like to write you a few words she received a letter from you yesterday. Lydia June Carrier came back to school yesterday and I guess some of the others will come to-morrow perhaps all so we shall have to have another change of seats though I guess I shall not have to if I don't want to[.] We have recited two lessons to Mr. Case on in Latin the other in Chemistry we began Alcibiades in Nepos and are going to read these a little while but Mr. Case wants us to read in Virgil or something of the kind we begin chemistry too and the Latin Grammer[.] [sic]
Mrs. Bagley has gone to Springfield and will come to South Hadley to see you so you must make haste & get your room fixed up I suppose Lizzie has got there how does she like? My object in writing to you so soon is to have this get here before Mrs. Bagley gets to S.H. so you could send me some thing by her. I want you if you are not using them to send me History of England[,] Latin Grammer & French Grammer I suppose though if you are studying Latin you will want the Grammer but if you are not and can let me have it I wish you would[.] The French Grammer I want very much and I wish you would let me have it if possible.
P.M. Here I am at home but I don't feel much like writing or doing anything else[.] I have got some lessons I suppose I ought to learn but I don't feel at all like studying and I can't learn my Latin for I have got nothing to learn it out of. I believe I did not finish answering your questions in my last[.] I finished it in such a hurry but I suppose I must now[.] You ask if I have seen Lydia lately I have not very lately but I saw the man you mentioned to meeting Sunday night though not to speak to him & I rather think he had not got his legs cut off & slipped over for he looked aobut as tall as he always has. Mr. Stearns is going to have his class in the school-room Miss Colman used to keep in in Harris St but I expect he will not get so many scholars as I at first thought he would for I guess there will none of our division go to him but Ellen Hase[.] I heard to-day that he had seven applicants. Lizzie Taylor said she guesses she will write next time I write she was sick last week or she would have written. Lucy Williams says she wrote quite a long letter to send to you but she was sick Friday and could not bring it down nor could not get anyone else to. Hannah Brown also wrote one and carried it down to Mrs. Stevens' Saturday afternoon after Mr. Stevens had gone. You ask about the Osgoods if they are well and if I have had a falling out with them because I had not mentioned them you said I hoep I am sure Ellen was in here last evening & I go in there quite often we were all in there last Tuesday evening and had an oyster supper Ellen came in a little after seven & said father wanted to know if we would come in there in the course of half an hour & eat soem oysters he was cooking them then so we went in and had quite a supper. They tasted real good. We spent Thanksgiving day at home I believe Mary Currier told you about it I went over the river the day before & staid [sic] all night it was a real stormy night we have not had such a rain & wind for some time though I suppose we felt more there than I should if I had been at home.
You ask how Mrs. Bannister felt because Lizzie got in I believe she was very glad to hear she had. How does Lizzie like write & tell me all about & if the things suited[.] I guess I shall go into Mrs. Stevens' this afternoon & see if Mr. Stevens has got home & what he says about it. Miss Shaw told me this morning she would like to write a little in my letter but she was so busy all the forenoon that she did not have time but she said she would answer your letter as soon as she could yet time & she wanted you to write her as often as she could she sent her love to you & Miss Green too Miss Green's also to Lizzie she said she meant to have called & see her but did not get an opportunity. Give my love to Lizzie[.] Now did you my daguerreotype looked should have known it. I dont know as you can hardly read this but I am in a great hurry as I always am[.] I forgot to tell you that are making a little preparation for an Anniversary[.] The Committee are Sarah Davis, Mary Ellen Coffin Hannah B. Osgood H. E. Tappin E. J. Bartlett I believe they are going to have Mr. Ford to address them.
from your darling sissy
Lucy [?]This is Friday Evening 5 oclock. I presume you have had a pleasant day, but we have had a cold cloudy day most of the time wind North East[.]