A Letter Written on Nov 16, 1850

South Hadley Nov. 1850

My dear Mother

Here it is after ten Saturday night but you wanted to hear by Tuesday so I must write to-night. I have not seen those patterns by daylight so cannot tell really how they would look but I guess I should prefer the plaid trimmed with that [...] blue, for if we have blue upon our bonnets I think it will look best upon the [...]cks. Do you think the blue ribbon upon our bonnet will do to wear all winter. I hardly know whether or not it will. If you think we had better have one other I wish you would get it in Newburyport blue of some sort we want. The silk for [...] was that bright red [...] stripped, for you seemed to think we had better not have black silk. Why did you not send that silk like the pattern you sent us I sent you, I want it now very much. The pattern of drab alpacca [sic] you say you sent I have not seen, any kind of drab alpacca I should think would do, and would send some of one of those [...] blues do to trim it. Will you get me some white woolen yarn I should like 4 skeins of the shilling yarn not very coarse but if you cannot get the shilling skeins get six of the others[.] The ribbon brown that I want is the width of this space |----| Can't you get the socks cut out?

Perhaps I will write more Monday. Good night I should like a pair of thick shoes.

Mrs. Condit had some wine pies all made up for you

Monday morn

I really think the trimming on our bonnets look too bad and I wish you would get some for them. I should like some blue velvet the color of Helens blue dress for darker I think would look too heavy on these bonnets. We bought the linings & inside fixings in Springfield and we are going to send them this week to get them lined & then we shall trim them. I[f] you can get some bright blue velvet just like Helen's dress get enough for a wide fill & get it made if you can and a piece with one or two folds in it just to go [...] the crown & cross on top. Do get it if possible. As to the little [...] perhaps it [...] be better to get some of that stuff like Martha Ann's red with black spots.

I wish you would get me a ball of wicking, and a piece of court plaster, and if you write again before you come tell me if you can get that patch so that we can get our lounge made. If you do not come pretty soon, I hope you will write. We shall be very much disappointed if we do not see you this week[.] I had a letter from Lydia Moody, and she said there was a letter advertised for me in the Post Office. If there is I wish you would get it[.]

Yrs. Sue

I hope you will get here by Wednesday or at any rate by Thursday night. Do Write immediately if you do so come.