A Letter Written on Dec 30, 1851

Newburyport Dec. 30. 1851 -

My dear daughters,

We received yours, Saturday, and were glad to hear from you God has been with you to preserve life and health has he been with you to revive and convert souls? In reading Miss Lyons memoirs, we find as soon as she got all things settled in her school after commencing a new term - the Lord would begin to pour out his spirit, and then souls begin to inquire what they should do to be saved God seemed to hear her prayers, and owned and blest her labours in a wonderful manner. And is He not ready to hear the cries of all that come to Him aright that come with simple honest hearts in the name of Jesus looking through faith to Gods honour and Glory in the prosperity of His Kingdom? Let us look to God that our hearts may be humbled before Him and prepared to labour for him.

Mr E.G. Currier's babe is very sick Mother watched Saturday night and was there yesterday afternoon, probibly [sic] it will not live long, the disease is on the lungs. - how does Sue come on with her cold, we have had no cold here yet, to speak on I feel pleased that Mr Swift is to be your Minister for the present, I presume you are - we have given away all the catalogues and so we dont know when your vacation comes tell us when you write again - -

Now for Sally Gilbert, we shall be disappointed if we do not see her with you on your vacation return, with regard to her stopping in Boston. However for a short time, you can arrange with her as will suit best. Gardiner is on his way home, is now probably near the Straits of Malacca bound to Calcutta and will be home if prosperity attend them sometime in the month of May or June -

I must close and Inscribe myself Affectionately
Your father
N..... B....