Foxboro July 5th 1849Dear Cousin
After so long a time I have found leasure [sic] to write to you. I suppose I might have written before, but have been so much engaged in other things that I did not think of it at the right time you'll say perhaps I thought a great deal of my cousin but I meant to have written to you a fortnight ago but it takes a great deal of my leasure time playing on the piano I have two books to play from that are used in
thechurch and one is hard, but enough of this[.] The weather is very warm here today and we have had one little shower which lasted fifteen minutes perhaps, It has rained a mile or so south from us considerable.Ellen is at home, and reading when I saw her last which was ten or fifteen minutes ago. She likes her school very well I believe, she is going to write to you soon believe (I believe a great many things) but she is tired when she gets home from shhool. [sic] This is a pretty place but some one came to the door just now and I jumped up to wait on them and droped [sic] the ink of the pen. I have never been into Ellen's school yet nor our's either but (I understand that the teacher does not hear the Geography and Grammer [sic]only every other day because she has so many schol
lars I suppose. I thing [sic] she is perfectly exensible [sic] She has a dozen scholars some days I believe.)Merrick has just gone to keeping house. I went to Easton Forth [sic] of July there was a Temperance Celebration
thereon Convention there. We met in the Congregational Church in the forenoon took dinner in the grove and after dinner listened to the remarks of several gentlemen. In the forenoon I heard Otis Cary Esq speak relating to the Temperance cause in Foxboro.Doctor Caleb Swan was President of the day or Convention (I guess, I did not get there till late and did not know much about it) and Capt. Lincon [sic] Drake, Chief Marshal. Tomas Davinson [sic] was one of the officers, After we had been in the Convention about half an hour Tomas came and wanted us to wait on tables. (Ellen Anna and I) and we did so[.] Doctor Jewet [sic] spoke in the afternoon he was expected in the forenoon but ill health detained him. There were a great many there and we had a first rate time.
You said in your letter you had only three hours to write you[r] Composition in this letter was not written in three hours but nearer one. though I think it would have looked much better if I had written in three hours but I c'ant [sic] pen myself down so long I dont go to school this summer so dont be surprised if you find mistakes in grammer if I begin at the top of the page to write but you will see all the faults so I need not tell them to you. It is now so dark I cant see to write so I must stop write to me and a good long letter and I will do better next time
From your leetle Cousin
Louisa Torrey