A Letter Written on Nov 9, 1842

[The first letter is written in a childish scrawl]

Foxboro Nov 9th 1842

Dear Sister

We Recieved [sic] you[r] long expected letter last Saterday [sic] Night And Will Now try to wri Answer it [...] i do not no [sic] exactly how old aunt t[...]s Babe is but [...] it is almost five weeks old. Are [sic] teacher Was at Meeting last Sabbath And Sabbath before All Day but Did Not [...] at the Sabbath School. Hanah [sic] has learned All Her letters. Mrs Walker had the inflamation [sic] in the Bowels She Died A fortnight Ago to [...] Do Write soon I hope you will come home before long so i [sic] Shall Not [...] to Write Any More letters

Your Affectionate
Sister Sarah Cary [8 years old]

PS Claudy [?] Did Not lose his Shoe in the bus [?]

[Change to adult handwriting]

Dear Mary Ann

I must confess I have been very negligent about writing, and do not blame you for thinking I felt so guilty to send any word in Sarah's letter.

I suppose you would like to know how I enjoyed myself at the picnic. We had a very pleasant time except its being rather long and cold. When we got there the first day they told us it was not going to be till the next day so Emmons Rebecca home and John Maria staid at Easton and the next day went again and had a very good time but I think it mad[e] some work for the Doctor there were so many babys [sic] there.

They are having a protracted meeting at the Baptist meeting house and it is a very interesting time here, especially among the young people. Quite a number have indulged hopes and many more are anxious.

Miss Rachel Shepard is my sabbath school teacher.

A week ago last Monda[y] evening we had a very good lecture from Mrs Lunsford Lane. We all went but your mother.

Your mother thinks your excuse is not a very good one for not writing. You must obey your parents [?] and not have them obey you.

Aunt Nancy and cousin Maria send there [sic] love to you and want to see you very much.

Hannah went to Aunt Marys and spent the night last night. John says he wants you to come home[.] Sarah wants to know if you are homesick and when you are coming home.

I shall expect you will write me a long letter now

Your affectionate Cheche [?]