The President -Pardon the address but I do not know the name.
Many years ago when I was a young girl, the enclosed silk winder or holder was given to me by an old lady living in Ashfield. She was a woman whose word could be trusted absolutely, and she told me the silk winder was made by Mary Lyon, who was a friend of hers.
If you do not know any one who would like it, you can dispose of it as you choose, but I felt I ought to pass it on to some one.
I read, some time ago, that there was a book relating to Mary Lyon which was hard to find now, and I have wondered if the book I have was one of the copies. The book is called "Memoir of Mary Lyon." "Compiled by Edward Hitchcock, D.D., L.L.D., President of Amherst College, with the assistance of others. 1851."
If you would like the book I should be glad to give it to you.
Yours truly,
Kate B. Lilly.
Pembroke -
Mass.Feb. 22_ 1917.
[My theory is that this letter was sent to Mary Woolley and she didn't want the silk winder, so she forwarded the letter to Dr. Clapp through inter-college mail.]