Mount Holyoke College.
South Hadley, Massachusetts
Department of ZoologyMarch 14, 1925
Dear Doctor Clapp.
The green is on the bough again! This letter came from Miss Wallace and I will send it along, too. When you have read it will you please save it for me. [Pencil inscription at top of the letter reads: "Letter returned" which may explain why it is no longer with this letter.] It is the only record which I have about "Shevket." I have been to see Miss Woolley about Shevket and after some discussion Miss Woolley agreed that the college should remit tuition for her. That will eman that she will have $300. less expense per year and I think that will help some. At first Miss Woolley said that it could not be done because the college could not afford to cut its revenue on any more dormitory places. So I said "Why can't Miss Shevket live at Miss Purington's?["] She agreed on that so I think that is a bargain. I have only just now had the conference but I am going to ask Miss Woolley to write a little statement so that Miss Wallace may have something in writing. I have now seen Miss Purington and Miss Shevket could have one of the back rooms for $2. per week. It seems to me that would be satisfactory to her. I don't feel very sure how warm that back room is! That is my only question!
What Miss Wallace said in her letter about the building here is true so far as my satisfaction is concerned. It is true that much of life comes to personal loyalties. That is probably as much of a birthday message certainly as far reaching in me as any which I can send. If you could have looked into my mind in the last three or four years I think you would understand that statement.
Elizabeth has gone to (home) Stroudsburg today because she will not be home during vacation on account of the Amblystoma season. We are both going to stay here through most of the vacation.
There are so many thinks [sic] that we could visit about. I really visit with you, & I think rely upon you much more than I did when I first tried this piece of work which you left me. In the last three years life has seemed to have very much more room in it and to be a larger business than it used, and I do not seem so competent to compete with the some [sic] of its difficulties. There are many ways though in which details do not seem so perplexing!
Dr. Calkins is here and I must go to see him now. My love to you, always and on the 17th. I hope this business here is going the ways you'd like to have it.
[Fazile Shevket, of Constantinople, Turkey, lived at 61 College Street, according to the 1925-1926 MHC directory. She is not listed in the biographical directory, nor in any other MHC directory around this one year. That address was also Miss Purington's address that year. A web search revealed that Shevket was a laboratory assistant at Constantinople College, where Miss Wallace taught.]