A Letter Written on December 21, 1917

Dec. 21, '17.

Dear Dr. Clapp,

Still here in Porter. I stayed a couple of days to "think it over". It has been heavenly in Williston. You could taste the quiet.

Tuesday I went to see Miss Woolley and I told her that I had switched the students out of Zoology VI and into Microscopical Technique and that there would be no need of another person this year. I also said that I hoped that another year we might two two [sic] "persons of some experience", one to fill Lou's place and one other beside myself, that it seemed as if youth were a great asset but that at present there was perhaps quite a flood of assistants. [smiley face] Do you think so? How I miss you! How I hate jumping into the pool alone! Yet one must, must n't they? I mentioned Elizabeth as a possibility for Comparative and some other semester course. Miss Woolley seemed to approve highly. It has seemed that provided Elizabeth cared to consider it she might be the right kind and with the right training. What do you think? And possibly Helen Ordway, an assistant to take Chris's place. - provided Helen feels like considering it. What do you think of that?

You know the plans which came with the new or the semi-new curriculum? Beginning with next year's Freshmen there will be a 24 hour major and a 15 hour minor. Those two are to be correlated the correlations to be suggested by the departments and further decided upon by the Board of Advisors. As I have tried to work the thing out, bashed it with Lou, and a little with the Economics department it has seemed that slight (or more) changes of this character might be made.

Zoology I & II. (Revamped somewhat.)
    " III & IV. All Comparative Anatomy - a year of it.
    " VI & VII. "    Embryology. a year of it. The first semester would be practically what is in 10 now, or in Kellicotts General Embryology, while the 2nd sem. would be as it is now or practically the outline which is in Kellicott's, Chordate Development.
      VIII & IX. Heredity. Heredity. Possibly a duplication, a repetition of the course in the second semester. I'm not sure about this. It will depend I think upon minors from Economics.
      IX. Microscopical Technique. given as at present.

By this flow the present V & VI which Alice had would disappear from the landscape and their best points be put into I & II. I feel convinced that that should happen. You have thought that too, haven't you. You see they are all disposed of now, for the girls are safely out of VI. I think we should have fewer and better courses, don't you? I have scattered too much. - Don't you think so? With the above courses and with the year of Physiology which nearly all majors take there would still be a choice for a girl at the end of her career even though she needed 24 hours. Miss Woolley seemed to approve very much though poor woman this is what happened. She'd been having office hours continuously all the forenoon and at 12.15 I came with this mess. She was patient and sympathetic but it's my

[I think there must be a page missing]

my Christmas love and my gratefulness that you brought me up, you and Miss Wallace. You put time enough on me but still I'm unfinished and I wish you were here to finish the "bringing up" for I some how feel that I've a long way to go yet. That's dawning on me anyway.
