[A note from Dr. Clapp penned at the top of the page: "sent postal"]1426-54th Street,
Brooklyn, Feb. 15, 1908.My dear Doctor Clapp:-
St. Valentine didn't forget me this year, for he brought me word that I had passed the New York City high school examinations in Biology. Out of the fifty or over who took them, only seven passed. And the credit of that belongs
whto our faithful and untiring teachers who trained us so carefully and patiently. I think more than ever that I shall study at Wood's Hole this summer, as you can imagine how rusty I am after nearly four years of elementary school work.I do hope for a high school position before long, as I now have two licenses, having passed in Chemistry and Physics some time ago.
With love for all my Holyoke friends,
Very sincerely,
Helen S. Watt.