Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MassachusettsApril 7, 1921.
Dr. Cornelia M. Clapp
Mount Dora
Florida.My dear Dr. Clapp,
The Boston Transcript has asked me to write an article on the class of 1871, and I naturally turn to you for suggestions and help. Do you know whether any group picture of the class was taken at the time of graduation, and if so, do you have one that you could lend me? Or have you a set of individual pictures of each member of the class like those the secretary of the class of 1870 sent me last year? I have written each member of the class, asking her to send me a photo taken at the time of graduation and one taken within the last 15 or 20 years, but Miss Hall, the only one who has replied so far, says she has no photos, so if you have a complete set, I shall be very grateful if you will send it to me. In regard to the story of your own career, I am afraid you will be entirely too modest, and as I want to feature you especially, will you please as Miss Wallace to write about you? What would you suggest in the way of buildings or campus views? Last year the old building was used. What about Williston? Wouldn't that be appropriate in view of your connection with it, even though it was not built until after the class of 1871 left Mount Holyoke? Have you any interesting pictures taken when you were in college -- pictures taken when you were off on hikes, or at parties, etc.? And can you tell me any anecdotes of your college days, or about any members of the class since graduation that will help to make the story interesting, and not just a dry compilation of life histories?
Are there any members of the class that you think should be featured especially? I suppose it will not be possible to give a lot of space to the non-graduate members of the class, but don't you think it would be well to mention a few who have had unusually interesting careers -- possibly Mrs. Marcellus Bowen of the Bible House, Constantinople. Can you tell me anything about her? I might not get a reply from Constantinople in time if I wrote her. Perhaps you will think of other non-graduates that should be mentioned. I am enclosing a list.
I am sorry to bother you with so many requests, but I want the story to be a good one, as The Transcript will give us a page or more and use pictures of as many members of the class as we can get.
Please remember me to Miss Wallace if she is still with you. I am looking forward to seeing Emily and hearing all about her visit.
Sincerely yours,
Edith S. Palmer.[Dr. Clapp penciled some notes on the reverse side of the letter which are difficult to read]
River ferry at Smith's ferry
Stage was the vehicle
Boss of animal kingdom
Frog skeletonized -
Cat dissected
76 centennial - 75 White mt trip with Entimologist [sic]
'78 trip to South collecting trip with party fish - scenery rivers
7 and getting massive fevers at Beaufort N.C.
'79 in first trip to Europe W[...]'s museum collector of Mediterranean forms of fish
80 First attendance at A.A.A.S. Barker's lecture on Life
'81 Topic books -
Ann '82 Montreal A.A.A.S. Brit As. fall to Bethlehem March
'83 & 4 Williamstown 5 weeks in Clark-Wilson
'84-85 earth 1st woman graduate
'86 months Arma Smith - Mary Anderson - Mary Dole -
college Clark
'87 Charles to tent back of the house -
'88 Woods Hole
'89 Annex entered Miss Shattuck died Cowles acting president
90. Mrs. Mead - Biological Club -
Mt Holyoke & Llamarada -
91 Miss Wallace - spring of '91 Miss Evans [...]
92He stood for the dignity almost the sanctity of science
Am. Nat March 1898 Agassiz or Pember