A Letter Written on Apr 16, 1872

South Hadley
Apr. 16th 1872

My dear Mary,

You are going to get a letter at last from your delinquent sister. Never give up!

Why have I not written? do you ask? Well, I have not - Since I wrote the last word I have been down in the Gymnasium to see the Seniors practice.

A knock at the door came just as I finished the last sentence. I stopped and visited with some friends awhile, then it was supper time & I went down, now I have determined to make one more desperate attempt.

Have not seen Hattie since morning, and perhaps she has been writing to you. H. lives quite near me now, only a few doors down the hall. She has written you, no doubt a full account of her new quarters.

The sitting room is fixed up real prettily - those curtains look very nicely.

Three weeks ago to-night I was with you. These three weeks have not gone so swiftly as those other three.

I have removed, and come into Hattie's room to avoid interruptions. She sits here chattering away - telling her former experiences as usual. (you know)

We have had two lectures in English Literature by Mr. Gilman. Hattie is now reciting from Warren's address at Bunker Hill.

Dr. Kirk is making us a long visit, and we enjoy it very much. He is such a grand old man[.]

Hattie has been promoted from the class that sings before supper, to the evening class and she wants that "Eligah" [sic] Chorus of mine which you will probably find in the parlor cupboard with those other choruses that I had at the Sem.

It commences "He watching over Israel"

Clara went to Haydenville Tuesday night - came back last night and her aunt who has been at Mr K's, came with her. She goes away today.

Miss Noble is much better this term, but still goes with one crutch.

Carrie Hull came back this term - her brother was better so that she could.

Have just smashed a lamp chimney - any thing for variety.

I wish you could come this term, try & try wen it gets pleasant weather. I must not write any more now.

Write to me -

Your loving sister

Bailey must be highly edified by their deep debating arguments -

They are trying to scare up all the "old sayings" they ever heard of.