A Letter Written on Apr 8, 1874

South Hadley
Apr. 8th 74

My dear Mary,

I came across an envelope directed to you as I was looking over my box to-day and concluded that I would use it at once. My letter-writing-fit is on to-night, and I think it best to take advantage of the fact. This is the fifth epistle I have penned to-day beside cleaning house, entertaining guests this after noon &c &c. Miss Noble and I had a regular "claring up time" this morning. Drawers and closet turned inside out, and such an accumulation of rubbish! It was almost equal to an annual garret overturning.

This afternoon Miss Noble's cousin, a freshman at Vassar, came up from Holyoke with Henry Ewing, and I have been occupied with them all the P.M. so have not accomplished a thing that I had planned. Lizzie Johnson is just as wide awake and cute as she can be. She told us ever so much about Vassar, and I was quite delighted to find such a good representative of the school, for she gave us a very good idea of the school. Anna Penfield - tell Hattie - one of our "72&3" Juniors, entered Vassar this year and has caught up with the Sophomore Class during this school year - is now in that class.

I sent a letter this week Monday, and this is writing rather too often. I think I will finish this later. Heard last night of the death of Solon Wilder - Miss Noble is well acquainted with the family, and thought of going to the funeral, but has decided not to go. She is intending to spend the Sabbath at Mr Ewing's in Holyoke. Had a postal from Clara to-night, saying that she would be here to-morrow night, on her way to Haydenville.

Tuesday eve. I had a regular sugaring off. You know I brought from home several cakes of sugar. Well, we concluded to have them "warmed over." I found snow enough out north of the building so we could have it waxed, and we had a jolly time up in our bed room[.] There were about six of us. Miss Ward has gone to Dea. Porter's to spend two or three days, and get some hints, probably, in regard to the plan of the new building. The surveyors have been on the grounds to day.

Dr. Herrick is to be ordained or installed on Thursday next and we are to have that day for recitation instead of Wednesday as usual -

Write to me!

Yours -
Cornelia -

Mon. morn in haste.