A Letter Written on Jun 11, 1874

June 11th 1874

My dear Hattie, & Mary

I have about three minutes in which to write this letter. I rather expected to see some of you here this week. When I came home last night I looked about thinking Hattie perhaps had come. I must tell you that on Tuesday P.M. four of us section teachers took our section to the mountain. I had been invited to spend Tuesday night and Wednesday at Mr. Ewing['s] in Holyoke, and planned to go over from the foot of the mountain to Mt. Tom Station and take the cars, but the steamer did not run, so I came home and started again the next morning.

I had a delightful visit at Mr. Ewings. They let us take the horse and drive about town in the afternoon. We went to the Ingleside and round, Miss Noble and I.

James Given called at the Sem the other day on his way home from New York.

Franc Black Judd spent the day here last Friday. The Botanical Association met here yesterday, and they had quite a festive time. I should judge from accounts there were about fifteen people here from away - Hail four courses and ice cream! Just think of that, Hattie!

We fare sumptously [sic] every day this year -

My yachting suit is being made in Springfield, perhaps I told you. Did I tell you about my trip to Springfield last Wednesday? I am going to make the underskirt. The material is waterproof - blue trimmed with lighter shade, stretched with white silk.

My ["]old" standby hat will do good service another season (economical enough for Hattie) Three weeks from to-day is anniversary. When are you coming down - any of you?

I don't hear about my parasol fan, and sun bonnet -

Write soon, girls -

Mother's letter was a treat tho' so short.

I occasionally sing the refrain of Alexander Selkirk,

"My friends, do they now & then send
A wish or a thought after me,
Oh! tell me I yet have a friend
Tho' a friend I am never to see"

I must now go to recitation

Aff -