A Letter Written on Jul 29, 1909

Machias, Maine.
July 29, 1909.

Dear Dr. Clapp:-

I enclose a note from the lab. at St. Andrews. I am hoping to go down but it is a bit complicated to get there as the Me. Cent. [Maine Central Railroad] does not connect at all well with the C.P.R. [Canadian Pacific Railroad]

I had to look in the dictionary to see what O.H.M.S. stood for. It is rather imposing on an envelope, is it not?

The lobster is hanging on the line to air, as it seemed necessary to banish his bones from the house.

Papa has found a skunk's skull - not perfect but fairly good. The ridge on the back is very large, comparatively speaking. [sketch]

My - the days are going! I do not do much - I find dishes etc. and they take much time.

A chimney swift flew down the chimney and out into the room this afternoon. We had quite a time catching & taking him out.


[The blank pages left in Emma's letter are filled with pencil inscriptions in Dr. Clapp's handwriting]

Thoughts on a Recent Lecture

To the Supernatural Dr. Eliot said "Scat!"
But the Supernatural did not budge an inch for that.
O 'twas quite uncomplimentary
To be so very elementary,
And to disobey the man who knows where he is at.

Summer school theology differs from the winter brand;
In October you must think but in summer all is bland.
So do not call him inconsistent,
If in November he's persistent
That the Supernatural's doing business at the same old stand.


George L. Parker

Hibbert Journal

Henry Smith William in 3 articles on Termperance
McClure's magazine

Alexis Carroll
Brain & Personality