Dear Molly
It is a shame that I dont [sic] answer your nice little letters - I will. But in the mean time write me some more wont [sic] you?
Mary Bancroft sits here writing she just now is asking how to spell gallery. She says is it G-a-l-l-a-r-y. I guess she is telling where she sits in church. We have been assigned to the "Turkey Roost." You cant [sic] understand the term unless you should sit there one Sunday as we did[.] It's way up-up-up[.]
Tell me all about your school when you write and do let me hear from you often for I want to know how Hattie prospers, as well as yourself. Miss Shattuck was expected to arrive at the Sem. today home from Europe. She could not afford to stay longer. Miss Ellis & the girls stay a year.
Did you save some bitter sweet berries this year?
Four [?] works from tonight I shall be all packed up - probably -
Clara is in bed and I must be soon good night
Sister Cornelia