A Letter written on Dec 18, 1862

Former Pupils of Mount Holyoke Seminary.

DEAR FRIENDS:- The Seminary has just published a Memorial Volume of one hundred and seventy-five pages, duodecimo, containing Rev. Dr. Kirk's Commemorative Address at the recent Reunion, together with a full report of the exercises on that occasion, extracts from the letters of those who could not be present, reports of the various classes, a catalogue of those who have been connected with the Seminary as Trustees, Teachers and Graduates, with the present names and residences of the latter and statistics of the last twenty-five years, also, a new and finely executed steel engraving of the Seminary.

The price of the book is fifty-six cents, postage 14 cents. There is also an edition on tinted paper costing sixty-five cents. Copies of either edition will be sent by mail to such as desire it, on the receipt of the above amount.

Let me take this opportunity to say to you all that we greatly regetted the necessity of limiting our special invitations to the Reunion to such of you as are graduates for it would have given us joy, could we have welcomed you all home again. It was with much reluctance that we relinquished a cherished plan of having a meeting of the Memorandum Society in connection with the Reunion, but we dared not assume the responsibility of providing for such a multitude. Be assured that, though you received from us no token of remembrance you were often in our thoughts on that glad reunion day. The new Memorandum Catalogue was examined with eagerness and many were the interested inquiries for more of your history than the few brief facts that appear on its pages. Will not some of you give us a fuller account of yourselves in the future than you have in the past? and will you not inform us promptly of any change in your name or place of residence and also communicate to us any important facts that come to your knowledge respecting other members of the Memorandum Society.

Yours very truly,

South Hadley, Dec. 18, 1862.