Bridgman Memorial School
West Gate, ShanghaiJan. 29, 1927.
My dear Miss Turner:
Your Christmas Greeting came. I want to thank you so much for your loving thought. I was very sorry that I did not see you when I was at college. I ran over & had a little glimps [sic] of Mr. Hammond and Miss Purington and went to see the hillside dormitory. Every thing seemed so familiar and lovely. I had only 24 hours with the Wilders but that was better than nothing.
I felt so sorry that I did not have the chance to entertain Miss Purington and Miss Green. [sic] I am living in the school which is not comfortable to entertain. As my husband is away we have let our house be occupied by Marion Chatfield Cressey. [sic] It was not satisfactory at all!
My husband wrote me that he had met you. I am so glad tha the had the chance. He is working very hard now - from 8 in the morning to six in the afternoon every day. He said he was lonesome for his children.
Is Kan E. Ong taking courses with you? She is a nice girl. I did not teach her when she was here but I think she is fine. You have three Chinese girls this year, haven't you? I am trying to save a little money that sometime, if everything comes out right, I hope I may send Wei-mei to Mt. Holyoke. She is reading fourth reader now. The English work is all her outside work but she is studying Chinese only in her school work. I want her to have good Chinese foundation in education but she is inclined to English.
Dr. & Mrs. Wilder will be in China in March. I am just all thrilled to think that they will be with us for at least two three months.
Enclosed you will find a general letter which I am sending to different friends whom I met during my last trip.
Lovingly yours,
Tsoo-Sing Chen.