Miss C. M. Clapp
Mount Dora
FloridaNov. 23, 1929
My dear Abby,
Your letter came and the enclosed card from Mrs McFee.
I have had a note from Mabel's aunt who writes that the news from Mabel is better each day & that Mabel had herself written them a note. I feel relieved, for I too had feared something terrible. You have probably heard from Beryl before now & are also relieved.
It is just two weeks since we came and we have just got our new curtains up & some new lineolum [sic] on our kitchen floor.
I have been "cruising round" Florida during the past week. Saw the Drews at Eagle Lake and went to Tampa to see Edwin. I can't get him to come for Thanksgiving, as I hoped, as the R.R. is awfully particular about letting the men in the Office off for a day. Charles is not down here yet but hopes to come soon. We are invited out for dinner on Thanksgiving day as we have been so often before. The friends are coming day by day now & it is very like getting back home to arrive in Mount Dora -
This is just to tell you a word about Mabel. I wish I knew what the second operation revealed -
Have you heard that Miss Wallace's brother has died of pneumonia? She was in Pittsburgh last week -
Am glad Founders Day exercises were so successful.
The question as to the Med. Flu is in the air and I do not know what the outcome will be -
you gave me a good time -
My tooth is a perfect fit!
The days are lovely - so warm & bright. Let me hear often as you can afford the time, as I do appreciate your letters.