Mount Dora, Florida
May 7, 1919My dear Abby,
And now the time to migrate again has come. Next Tuesday May 13 we start for Montreal N.C. via the river trip on the St. Johns as far as Jacksonville.
I think May 20th is the probable date of our arrival in Massachusetts -
We now plan to stop in Springfield before going to Montague. I shall want to see you folks, but I must not linger long, for we are scheduled for repairs & electric fixings in the house which will engage our attention for the last week in May.
I want to get down to Woods Hole immediately after Commencement, and can't you try the seashore first this year & come to the Pine Knob in June? The mountains will keep until Aug.
Oh, I must say Thank You for those good photos of the tramp region last year you had good luck - sure. We did have a grand view from that Putney height! I am anticipating the air of those North Carolina mountains[.] It is getting hot down here, for me - 90° on our porch for several days past, and those grand old "Land of the Sky" mountains I am soon to see!!! How I wish you & I could climb Mt Mitchell!
Edith Wallace has gone north. I had a postal from New York - I wonder if she will be able to do her work at Woods Hole this summer. She was consulting with Dr. Morgan, I suppose. Her father & mother were down here for a while this winter.
I hear that Eleanor Mason has a job & will be at Woods Hole this summer -
It was good of you to tell me about the Sunday treat - Mr Fosdick's sermon, the competitive sing, &c, &c.
I see by the bulletin that Dr. Richards lectures at college. I would love to hear her this week - I conclude you did not go to Chicago in March as you thought you might - our talking time is almost here, and I will not say more this time. Love to your mother - I dont [sic] believe I shall be in South Hadley for more than 24 hours - on my way home but I shall be on hand for Commencement & probably Mrs. Bailey will take me in as last year. I have a standing invitation there - It will seem strange to find Mrs Purington gone.
Miss Lockwood goes to South Hadley at the same time we do - she is doing some sewing now & I have not seen her much lately -
Well, I must now stop - It will seem good to see you folks again - I have not been on a R.R. train since I arrived last December - Florence Read told me of this boy in Paris - I dont hear a word about Miss Wallace's coming - I shall expect her at the Pine Knot.
Love always from
C. M. Clapp