104 Waterville Street
Waterbury, Conn.May 12 - 1921
My dear Miss Palmer,
A reluctance to talk about one's own life - especially when it has seemed an uneventful one - may account for this delayed reply -
The year after my graduation was spent in teaching in my home town Chaplin, Conn, but a Congregational minister - Rev William H. Phipps - appeared upon the horizon and induced me to relinquish teaching and attempt the solution of household problems - Our wedding day was October 10th 1872 - so the 50th yr. reunion is very near the 50 year anniversary of my wedding day. The more important events of these years have been the coming of five dear children into the home. Florence was only with me for six years but Winifred (now Mrs. Frank Walters) Ethel, and my twin sons Howard and Lawrence are living and I think helping in His work of this needy world. Winifred entered Mount Holyoke with the class that graduated in 1901 but her health would not permit her to graduate. Ethel graduated in 1905, while my sons were 1912 graduates of Yale. Of course any mother could write volumes about her children (but you do not wish for this) and as I have said I consider them the great events of my life Next to my home life have come the activities in church work that naturally belong to the minister's wife - Sunday School teaching, leadership in missionary societies &c. I have also been permitted to help in some of the State missionary organizations - at one time as President and for many years Vice Pres. of the New Haven Branch of the W.B.M - also Director in the Conn. W. H. M. Union. Among activities outside of church work has been a long time interest in the work of Women's Clubs. My official connection has been for four years as President of the Conn. State Federation of Women's Clubs, (beside terms as Vice Pres, Director &c) and two terms
ofas president of the Waterbury Women's Club. I have been interested (officially) with local & state work of the Y.W.C.A. auxiliarywork- also "God's Club work" -I am not at all sure that I am writing the things that you wish to know but as I look back over the fifty years it has been a happy, busy life, eventful to myself but not of sufficient importance to mention to others.
My home for 4 years after my marriage was in Poquonock Conn. then in 1878 we removed to Prospect Conn. and remained there until my husband retired from preaching in 1906. We came then to Waterbury Conn. for a permanent home. In the summer of 1902 I had a delightful western trip to California, Oregon, Canada &c. 1911 gave me a fine experience of travel in foreign lands - and a recent winter was spent in Florida.
This all seems very personal, but you asked for it and I know you will understand how to eliminate the non-essentials. I will send photos under separate cover. I have the group pictures taken at graduate but presume others have given you that. I also had the 25 yrs group picture, and if it appears I will mail it to you.
Yours cordially
Mary Williams Phipps