Miss Edith S. Palmer,
So. Hadley, Mass.Dear Miss Palmer:
I have your letter of the fifth, asking for material for your Transcript sketch of the class of '71.
In regard to the photographs, I have none which I can send you at present. All I have are in my Summer home in Newburyport, Mass., where I do not expect to return before the last week in May. Would that be too late for your article? I can send the photographs then, if you so desire.
As to the "sketch of my life," - there is little to tell. After my graduation I remained at home with my father & mother in Newburyport, Mass., until 1879, after which I spent two years in travel, in Colorado, California, and the Hawaiian Islands, teaching for part of a year in Mills College, California. In 1882 I was married to the Rev. Chas. A. Savage, pastor of the Cong. Church, Berkeley, Cal., where we remained for three years. After a period of ill. health, my husband had two other pastorates, in Enfield, Mass. and Orange, N.J., where he died in 1899. After this I removed to Newburyport, where I have kept my home ever since, although I spend the winter months in New York City. I have had three children, two of whom are now living, - Rev. Theodore F. Savage, pastor of Christ Presb. Ch., New York City, and Marion D. Savage, formerly an instructor in the Economics department at Wellesley College.
I think this probably covers the ground that you want.
Very sincerely yours
Mary Fiske Savage.181 W. 75th St. N.Y.
April 8, 1921.(Please note change of address.)