A Letter written on Apr 8, 1921

Miss Edith S. Palmer,
So. Hadley, Mass.

Dear Miss Palmer:

I have your letter of the fifth, asking for material for your Transcript sketch of the class of '71.

In regard to the photographs, I have none which I can send you at present. All I have are in my Summer home in Newburyport, Mass., where I do not expect to return before the last week in May. Would that be too late for your article? I can send the photographs then, if you so desire.

As to the "sketch of my life," - there is little to tell. After my graduation I remained at home with my father & mother in Newburyport, Mass., until 1879, after which I spent two years in travel, in Colorado, California, and the Hawaiian Islands, teaching for part of a year in Mills College, California. In 1882 I was married to the Rev. Chas. A. Savage, pastor of the Cong. Church, Berkeley, Cal., where we remained for three years. After a period of ill. health, my husband had two other pastorates, in Enfield, Mass. and Orange, N.J., where he died in 1899. After this I removed to Newburyport, where I have kept my home ever since, although I spend the winter months in New York City. I have had three children, two of whom are now living, - Rev. Theodore F. Savage, pastor of Christ Presb. Ch., New York City, and Marion D. Savage, formerly an instructor in the Economics department at Wellesley College.

I think this probably covers the ground that you want.

Very sincerely yours
Mary Fiske Savage.

(Mrs. Chas. A. Savage.)

181 W. 75th St. N.Y.
April 8, 1921.

(Please note change of address.)