A Letter written on Apr 26, 1921

Center Harbor N.H.
Apr. 26/21.

My dear Miss Palmer,

I hope my delay in answering your letter of the 5th inst. has not been an inconvenience to you, but it has been unavoidable, owing to my absence from home for the winter. I am sure we shall appreciate having an article on the Class of 1871 published in the Boston Transcript, and if I can contribute any item that may be of interest; I shall be only too glad to do so.

Like many other Holyoke graduates, for several years after graduation, I was engaged in teaching, in the public schools of Center Harbor and Sandwich, N.H., in Englewood, N.J. and one year in the city of Janesville, Wis. For two years I conducted a private high school of an advanced grade in Center Harbor, H.H. For the same length of time, I was employed as teacher in Readvilla Sem., a boarding and day school in Baton Rouge, La. and for seven years I was assistant in the High School at Millbury, Mass. I was then called to my home in Center Harbor, N.H. to care for invalid members of the family.

In 1896, I was married to William C. Jackson of Center Harbor, who shared my joys and sorrows for twenty years. I have one step-son and three step-grandchildren.

Such is the brief sketch of my life since graduation, and you may make it shorter if you like.

I am sending you two pictures of myself, one taken at the time of graduation, the other more recent. I have no pictures taken while in college.

I have written a few lines with regard to Helen Angell Goodwin, and enclosed one of her latest poems. It will be optional with you whether either should be published.

I am sending pictures of myself as requested. [no longer with the letter] If I can further serve you I am,

Yours to command,
Elizabeth B. Jackson.