42 Shadyside Ave.,
Summit, N.J.June 4, 1921
My dear Mrs. Nichols:-
Your name has been given to me as Marshal of your class for the Alumnae Fete on June 11th. If you cannot serve as Marshal please wire me "collect" immediately, giving me the name and address of a classmate who will be present and will serve. At the same time please mail to her this sheet of instructions.
It is the duty of the Class Marshal to lead her class in the grand march in Chapin Auditorium following the banquet. This can be easily accomplished if each Marshal obeys the following instructions explicitly.
(1) Please meet the Head Marshal in Chapin Auditorium (in the Student-Alumnae Hall) at 5 P.M. Saturday, June 11th, to learn the position of your class in the march and to rehearse before the banquet.
(2) Prepare in advance, if desired, two or three large banners or placards to be carried on standards, stating some interesting facts about your class, e.g., one class announces that it was the first to wear cap and gown, another that it has 50 babies etc.
(3) At the banquet-tables, count your classmates present (not including non-grads), write the number on a slip, and take to the Head Marshal. Don't forget!
(4) Inform your class that there will be no time for toasts after the banquet, for each class must go directly from the table to its place in the lines which will form out-doors if fair, or in the hallways of the S.-A.H. if stormy. Now while the lines way to march in, the Marshals can instruct the classes in the plan of march, for it is up to each Marshal to see that her class does not upset the march by lack of clear understanding! Make them keep in line and listen, even if you have to hold onto 'em! The Head Marshal will provide several large charts showing the floor plan of the march which can be passed along and held up before the classes in line and explained. (N.B. - If you can get your class together at any other time before the banquet, as at Saturday luncheon or class meeting, explain march then, and repeat after banquet, to make sure!) Urge straight, compact lines, square corners, and close following of the leaders. Do not waste an inch of space, or we cannot get the 700+ into the hall.
EXPLANATION:- As there are 2 doors at rear of hall, we shall arrange alumnae in 2 double lines outside, so as to enter the two doors simultaneously, the oldest classes leading each double line, the youngest classes at the end of these lines. Thus, the classes of '61, '67, - to - '19 enter at east, while '65, '68 - to '17 enter at west, 2 by 2, coming together inside the door and marching 4 abreast down the hall toward stage, then divide into 2 lines (of 2 abreast each) each making a circuit of the hall to the rear then falling in beside the 4 abreast coming in the doors, making 8 abreast, and (when front is reached again) dividing to march 4 abreast across front. The leaders then wind back and forth, keeping the lines close as in diagram, making about 15 loops, till floor is covered and all lines are inside the hall. Then the leaders, who have reached the rear, meet at doors and march 4 abreast down centre. When near stage, double lines turn right and left as if going into chapel seats, Head Marshal remaining in centre. The first 10 couples march across front on right and left sides, stopping when they reach balcony posts and facing stage where they stand, making 2 rows of 20 each across front. Then the next 10 couples also turn out as if entering chapel seats, and when their leaders reach balcony posts, also stand and face front. Then the next 10 couples follow, etc. When all have halted and are facing front, we sing "Alma Mater," and the Alumnae President awards the cup to the class with the largest percentage of attendance of living graduates.
Each Class Marshal will march at the head of her class with a partner, so that the line is double throughout.
Please assure me at once by enclosed card [no longer with the letter] that you will be present, and ask any questions you wish. Your work will be much simpler than it looks on paper!
Most sincerely yours,
Helen Crane Weber, 1911
Head Marshal