Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MassachusettsDepartment of Zoölogy
June 10, 21.
Dear Doctor,
The party was great fun for us. We had a good time.
I would like to put a few explanations in your ear, maybe I'd better write them and enlarge in conversation later.
First I have put a sign at the (endowment) information bureau in S. A. H. which calls attention to the beginning of new laboratories. Beneath it is a copy of the paper which I enclose. [no longer with the letter] I have also left a "bunch" of these at the counter and they should be available there.
Second, I have a little surprise which I hope you will like. It is not completed but I will finish it up after - they have all taken their time [smiley face]. This is a gift and boquet [sic] of greeting from your biological friends. I enclose the letter which I wrote to them. [no longer with the letter]. I said two laboratories test because I thought there would be a chance at two but didn't want anybody to feel the pinch of limitation. There will undoubtedly be one for the gift fund is up to date. $2000. I have a little sheaf of letters from your admirers and I will turn them over to you soon. I will repost the gift to Miss Woolley tomorrow. C. Judson Herrick writes "my admiration for Miss Clapp is boundless" [smiley face]
It has been a perfect joy to collect your boquets! [sic] You are the best part of this commencement.
Will see you, soon.
There are plenty of copies of that zoology article if any one of the alumnae wish plans of the museum [smiley face].