A Letter Written on Sep 2, 1866

LaCrosse Sep 2 1866

Dear Sister

I sit down to write a few lines to let you know that we are all well and I hope that these few lines will find you in enjoyment of the same rich blessing. Emma it is a long time since I pened [sic] a letter to you and I dont know when I did but I am going to write a few lines before Church it is almost imposible [sic] for me to get time to write for it is a bussy [sic] time with me just now for I leave frequently to work Evenings and I get so tired do not feel like writing or any thing else I get worn almost out I begin to feel Old and Emma and I am geting [sic] Old I am almost 50 years Old it Dose not seem possible it seems but yesterday since I was at Home a little boy but now I am almost 50 years old to family of 6 Children Emeline M N
John C[leveland]      Joseph A[u]gustus
George Henry Howe      Carey Estella
Clarence Linclon [sic]
these are the names of the Children God Has Given me to [train?] for Eternity and may I lead them in the way of eternal Life

Sept 9 to Day is the Holy Sabeth [sic] we have Commeorated [sic] the Dying Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and myself and Jane have to Day [...] Rev in full Communion with the Church Episcople [sic] Medothidist [sic] But Do I Care for the name if I do But Live for Heaven Soberly and Rightously [sic] and Godly in this Life that is what I intend to live for the Rest of my Life so that when I come to Die I may with Paul I have faught [sic] a good fight I have finished my Cours [sic] hence forth there is laid up for me a Crown of Life Which the Lord the Reighteus [sic] Judge [...] to me and not to me only but to all that love His Apearing [sic] Listen let us live so that we may Enjoy each others Society in that Heavenly Country and hence more to part.

one word to mother
Mother I Hope that your prayers have in part Ben [sic] answerd [sic] for I do think that God as ben [sic] very Greacous [sic] to me and mine we think that we have been washed in that Blood that Clensith [sic] from all sit But pray on Dont stop praying till you stop Breathing God will Hear your prayers for John now. I Propose that on the first Sabeth [sic] of Every month in the Evenign that we Unite our Prayers Every Praying member of our Family for John I Do Believe that God will Hear in Heaven and answer on Earth to the Salvation of His imortal [sic] Soul

Yours in Christ
G H Cogswell [George Henry]

there was about 20 joined our Church to Day