A Letter Written on Jan 15, 1856

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]

Western Fem Sem. Oxford.
Butler Co. Jan. 15, 1856.

Dear Emma

The date of your last is long ago, but none the worse for that. It has done me good to read it over again this evening, for it takes me back to our dear Seminary home, and the days of old. -

There has been time for strange events to happen since a year ago, and so they have happened. I left Detroit in July and remained at home some two months during which time a sister was married, and a little nephew came to visit my sister in law - Before leaving Detroit two or three weeks I was sick, so that through the whole year my health has not been very good, but now am here teaching in a second Holyoke for such this really is. Just before commencing this I came from recess meeting and brought one of my dear ones with me to my room. All through the day our exercises are like those at So Hadley - Miss Peabody is our principal and all the teachers are from the Seminary - which makes it very pleasant - My section numbers 22, and how much like old times it seems to go and visit them all in their rooms. Would you were here a little time, but duty calls you elsewhere -

Where and how is the mother of whom you spoke so tenderly. I hope I am not wounding your heart by asking such a question, for I know your anxiety your sorrow. Lean upon your Savior dear Emma and he will bear you safely through all lifes conflicts - It is a comforting assurance we may have, that, the separation - from those we love is but for a moment -

The last two months have been thoughtful ones to me, for another of our family has gone to his rest far from home and among strangers, but God raised him up friends to care for him - It is so safe to trust all with Christ - we need never fear -

Write and tell all you are doing or suffering that I may still know how to pray for you. I have not heard from any of the section lately because I have not answered their letters but hope to do so soon. My room-mate - Miss Chapin wishes me to ask if you know Mrs Chandler of Nashua - she is a friend of hers -

Now the tardy bell has rung and I must sleep to be ready for the morrow. Pray for the absent sometimes ask for me wisdom, heavenly wisdom, and pure love to God and all about me - Much love for you dear Emma - and Hannah & Mary also

Write again and I will answer soon as consistent with all my duties

Your Sec Teacher,
A C Walker