A Letter Written on Jun 21, 1908

Sunday night.

Dear Mamma:-

I have had to borrow Miss Smith's pen because mine is dry and I forgot to get some ink yesterday.

I was glad to get your postal last night and to know that you got along all right. Guess you have had hot weather. It has been warm here, but there is a breeze nearly all the time. I sent you a postal yesterday but mail leaves here only twice a day, and we were a few minutes late for the morning stage. Hope you will not get too tired going around seeing people.

I got off at two o'clock Friday and haven't thought of very many things I forgot to do. Mrs. Bray sent my skirt up all right. I left all the keys in the corner of the tray of my steamer trunk, but I didn't have time to tag them.

We had a hot ride up, tho it wasn't very long. I had time in Shelburne Falls to get some sugar so we have made lemonade out of the lemons I had left over.

Buckland is lovely. A good many wild strawberries. We went to walk yesterday and in wading in a nice clear brook. Then I unpacked my trunk and got things so I know where they are. We have two big rooms, the whole front of the house, and everything is very pleasant. There was hay in cocks out behind the house the first night and we leaned up against a sock to see the sunset behind the hills across the valley. It was so comfortable that we asked the Dea. to leave it for us when he took the rest in and we have had h a fine time every evening - as good as a couch out-of-doors. It is dry now, and this is on a hill. Then I have my big shawl. There are almost no mosquitoes.

And they make their own maple sugar and syrup! The board otherwise isn't particularly good or bad - not as good as Mrs. Lovell's, but we get on. There is a fine spring up on the hill, so that a faucet runs full force in the back kitchen all the time.

We went to church this morning - the one where Mary Lyon was baptized, tho it has been recently fixed over. Then we went to the cemetery to see Dea. Porter's grave.

The Wayside Inn is full - looks pleasant, but is not in as good a location as this, and of course we have more room.

Miss Smith will stay until Tuesday. I guess we shall take a walk tomorrow unless it is hot. One petticoat got fixed yesterday. Miss Smith helped me. She sends her love.

She went to bed before I began to write so I had better be getting there. Love to you. I'll send the next letter to Mittie's as I presume you'll leave Nashua by Thurs. or Fri. at the latest.

Good night