A Letter Written around Aug 13, 1908

Dear Mamma:-

It's the night before the exam. and I have been studying till I can't keep my head any longer. There are so many reactions! It is too big a subject to try in the summer, but I hope I'll get through somehow. I'd have gotten on better this evening except that one of the boys who plays the cello very well has kept at it all the evening in the next house. It is pleasant enough for a while, but not when one is working hard. The boys from the vicinity have all been shouting to him to stop, for everybody wants to work tonight, but he doesn't do it. They have only made a bad matter worse. Ithaca isn't a quiet town - I'd hate to be in it all the year around.

The physiology appointment for Friday has been called off, so I shall leave Friday morning and get to Whiteface Saturday night, I expect - a little earlier than I expected, but I don't seem to care to hang around any longer than I have to. Miss Smith sent me a letter she had from Miss Purington today in which she said that some people from Whiteface had found it very fine there. Miss Purington goes Friday, and Miss Smith and her mother Monday. Pearsons Hall has been struck by lightning, but not much damage done.

We have been having some fine work in Physiology this week. I have gotten a lot out of it, even tho I haven't had much time to give to hi it. (The boys are making such a racket trying to stop the music that I can't think at all). Today Dr. Kingsbury took me around the building quite thoroughly. They have all been very kind.

But I have to go to bed now so as to put in a good forenoon's work in preparation for the exam. I shall be glad when it is over. If I knew anything about the subject, the cramming would have some sense in it. As it is, it hasn't and just makes me cross.

I'll try to get you a fountain pen like mine. It is a good kind and not expensive. I may not see Flora now, or I may - It depends on how many trains I miss getting through &c. Perhaps I can go down later even if not now. I should think your plan for going was all right. You could plan to come Thurs. if you wanted to steer clear of the crowd. That would be much better than Monday and I could meet you in Springfield, I think, as classes don't amount to anything that day - we just meet them and assign work, and I may not have any then anyway. I have forgotten when they come. That would give me two days or so to eat out with the Freshmen and get acquainted with them a little at first - but if you'd rather come earlier, why I'll be glad to see you, and can go out for some meals just to see the girls.

I must go to bed.

Love to you,

Telegraph address at Whiteface is - c/o Mr. Thomas Hoag, Whiteface N.H. sent to Laconia, and then c/o Mr. Dr. Bryar (who lives not far away and has a telephone)