A Letter Written around Jan 29, 1909

Dear Mamma:-

I have a few minutes before it is time to get ready for dinner so I'll write to you.

I'm having a fine time. Emma and another girl met me last night. Baltimore is anything but clean and attractive, but Emma has three large rooms with a girl from Seattle. She's very fortunate. People say it's the best place there is. The med. school isn't in the better part of the city, but yet it's so much more convenient to be near by that most of the students live around here. She has a good boarding place, too - about a half mile from her room but very near the med. school. And the girls do not wear hats! The hospitals are huge things. The med. students must have plenty to practice on.

We have been in the lab. all day. I've heard two lectures and met lots of people. Prof. Howell is fine - an excellent lecturer. The place is awfully crowded, and not as clean in spots as it ought to be, but Emma says now they're just breaking in some new lab. boys. The associate-professor, Dr. Dawson, has invited us to dinner tomorrow night, and tonight we go to the seminar at Dr. Kellicott's. The women here seem to be a fine lot - very hard-working and in earnest.

I hope you're getting on all right. I think I shall stay with Elizabeth Tues. night instead of going up late to So. Hadley, so don't expect me.

But I'm so sleepy I must go to bed.

Love to you -