A Letter Written around Jan 1, 1911

Dear Mamma:-

A Happy New Year to you. I hope you've been feeling well.

Elizabeth sent Friday night with me and then Sat. morning I went with her to a dentist who pulled two wisdom teeth. He injected cocaine, also something to stop the bleeding. It worked very well, and I hope the holes will not be very sore. He did the job well for one tooth might easily have been broken. I went over to Chelsea with her for dinner, and then we came in to the Alumnae meeting. Dr. Crothers lectured finely. Miss Morse was there with a Mt. Holyoke friend. She inquired very particularly for you. She sees Mrs. Mills every week she says and had heard some about you from her, because Mrs. Mills is some connection of Grace Townsend's in Newburyport. I was glad to see Miss Morse and wish there had been more time. It was a big meeting - about 170 - and so many that I knew. Miss Searles and Miss Doak were there, also two three other of the faculty whom you don't know, I think.

Then Jane and I went to Doctor Lowell's and I have just come home. I meant to stop in at Uncle Cleveland's but it was almost raining and I had no umbrella. It did rain only a few minutes after I reached here. It is hard work to talk to Doctor, but we have had a good time. She has been very good to us. This morning we went to the Jewish synagogue to hear Rabbi Heischer. Jane was anxious to hear him. It is about the Feast of Dedication and it was interesting to see him light the seven-branched candlestick and tell about the feast. He is certainly a most unusual man - quite too broad-mined for his congregation. Three of them were talking about him in the car. Janey and Mrs. Carpenter sent their love to you.

I had a note from Miss Holland inclosing a card for you. I will take it up next week. Will let you know the time I'll be there later. Tell me if there is anything you want. If you haven't gotten rose-water & glycerine, tell me and I'll bring some up. I must go to bed now.

With much love,