Dear Mamma:-Nell and I have gotten back from Edith's. It took only a little over an hour to get back, but longer to go, on account of connections missed. I tell you it's a pathetic place in many ways. Edith is no housekeeper. We stayed to dinner - and I don't wonder they have indigestion! The food was pretty bad. They leave there this spring, have a long summer in Maine, and then Chris goes into business. They are to live with Miss Hamlin in Lexington. She has a big house there. She is with them now. Rebecca is about the loveliest child I ever saw - between five and six I guess. She's as pretty as can be, and so sweet, too. We were glad to see Edith of course. She seems pretty well, though both she and Chris are nervous. He had a pain and had the Dr. this afternoon so as to be able to preach tonight. That made it easier for us to get away early. We got back here just a few minutes after five.
Hope you have been keeping on improving. I expect to find you pretty near or quite back to where you were before you had the set-back when I get up next.
Nell came over last night and spent the night with me so we could start together and not have the delay of trying to meet. It is nice to have a big bed and to be able to have guests without extra charge.
I had a nice letter from Lucy Smith this week. She is enjoying her work very much and wants to keep on next year, wants me to recommend her for the Bardwell fellowship, which I can certainly do heartily. But I must get at it soon. It takes time to write those letters.
Edith has a very nice picture of their whole family taken before the little boy died. We shall try to go out in the spring before they leave, and I think I'll take my camera and try to get Rebecca and Margaret. They are so pretty.
With much love to you,
AbbyElizabeth sent her love to you specially.