A Letter Written around Feb 25, 1911

Dear Mamma:-

Miss Gates has just gone. She has a cold and has had a hard one earlier, but otherwise is pretty well. She sent her love to you - would like to see you. Miss Hollands gave her her Symphony ticket as she did me. She has been out to see the Stones who had the cottage, you know. She hadn't seen Miss Jordan or Dr. Phipps recently, but knew Miss Jordan's brother was better. It was pleasant to see her.

I'm glad Jessee is better and hope little Helen will pull through.

Wednesday we had a fine time - the Bloods, Mrs. Johnson and I. We left the North Station at 9:35 and at Lynn took a trolley for Lynn woods. There we walked a half mile or more up into the woods to the little camp, one big room with a fireplace. We tramped around through the woods, slid down big boulders &c. Had dinner gotten over the fire - steak broiled, mashed potatoes, onions (I didn't eat any) hot rolls, celery, cranberry jelly, Washington pie and coffee. They have an old fashioned crane with kettles of all sorts. We read some and were out of doors. There is a fine look out from a big rock near them. Much of the region is the city water supply reservation, and one can see across the city out to sea. Then we had supper by the fire and came home a little after eight. The Appalachian Club had an outing at the next camp, a quarter of a mile or so away. Nell was there, also two others I knew. There were over 100, most all with snowshoes. I'm going to have some sometime.

I've bought my birthday presents from you - a Shakespeare in 3 volumes - all the plays. I have wanted it a long time. I'll bring up a volume to show you sometime when there isn't much to carry. That cost $2.10 and I also bought a $.50 silver pin to pin on my velvet bows with - one that is bigger in what it will hold than any I have. I think it very pretty - and I thank you for these things!

Miss Smith sent me $2 and I think I shall take Mrs. Johnson to some concert or other. She is so good to ask me over there so often.

The Mt. Holyoke Luncheon comes tomorrow. I hope there will be many there. Must stop now and put some fresh ruching into my dress.

With love to you,

We could get Louise a brass holder for a few books, such as we got for one of the Hodgdens, I forget which one.