A Letter Written on Apr 11, 1911

Dear Mamma:-

Here is a note from Louise and also a clipping which seemed to me quite remarkable. I am glad Louise liked the book-rack. Some of the pictures I got of Edith Hamlin's children are really quite good. I printed them last night and sent them to her. They have a camera but don't know how to manage it, and they really have very few pictures of the children so I think she may be glad to have them. I certainly enjoyed taking them.

This afternoon I have been to a fine talk on the value of the study of Home Economics by a woman from Teacher's College, N.Y. a friend of Miss Blood's. And in the social hour afterward I had a very pleasant time - met one woman who knows Caroline Ransom and lots of people whom I know. She is deciphering Babylonian hieroglyphics over in the Harvard Semitic Museum, and I liked her first rate. Then five of us including Miss Blood (hostess) and the lecturer had dinner at the College Club. That is such a nice place to go. I certainly mean to belong some time, and in the meantime I enjoy being invited to go there! I must write to Dr. Clapp about it at once. I suppose she has gotten back from her trip.

It has been a beautiful day today and I hope you have felt like getting out on the piazza.

Much love to you,

Tues. night.

[The whole article was included in the letter, but only part of it is scanned here.]