A Letter Written around Jun 13, 1911

Dear Mamma:-

It is great fun being a college guest. A nice girl brings me ice-water each evening and now she has just brought in some crackers. I made an unfortunate remark about being continually hungry, and people have teased me for days about it. It has certainly been a nice Commencement in spite of the cloudy weather and rain.

Monday I spent a good deal of time at the laboratory and must spend some more tomorrow. In the evening the play was to be on Prospect. They risked the weather with the result that there was a thunder-shower just as the audience was about half seated. Everybody raced down to the gymnasium, with all speed, except '96, the members of which waited on rugs under the trees until the shower was over and thereby descended more calmly and much dryer than the others. The girls did astonishingly well considering the sudden change. After it some of our class gave the rest of us a cheerful spread quite like the old ones. Nell left in the middle, was to reach Springfield about midnight, take a train at half past three and teach today.

Today has been alumnae day and a very successful one. The new president of the association I like better than the old one, and the luncheon was particularly successful. '96 made quite a diversion with a song instead of a toast. One stanza of it I wrote myself! Jane Carpenter had the idea, which was the essential thing. Her mother is having her 50th reunion and of that class about 20 are here. Miss Smith's fine class has its 25th and all except 10 were at the banquet Sat. I'll tell you more when I see you. This evening and this afternoon I have served up the clothes in their bags. I was one bag short so I have made one tonight.

Did I tell you the Buckland address? We shall be there from Thurs. to Mon. A.M. - just Buckland, Mass. Don't send anything to reach there later than Sat. for we may leave Mon. before the mail gets in. Monday we get back to Cambridge, 10 Humboldt St. Please tell Miss Butterfield as she will be wishing to send me another bill for your board, and I don't think she has the address. That is Mrs. Johnson's, where we'll eat through we may room elsewhere. I told you that Elizabeth goes with me for two weeks?

Good night, and much love to you. I sent a note for Albert at Phillips and included you, so you don't need to write unless you want to. I have seen several more of the Lovell girls and little Alice today. Miss Ellis I met. She inquired for you & sent her love.
