A Letter Written around Jul 9, 1911

Dear Mamma:-

The weather seems to be getting ready for some more heat. Today is only 90°, but that is somewhat trying, though by no means what we have been through. I wish I could make your room cooler, but when Mrs. Blood writes that it is 96° up at Randolph I am afraid that there isn't much relief everyanywhere, so we might about as well be in the city as in the country. I have wanted to hear from Dr. Clapp to know what Woods Hole is like and also any ideas she has about our next assistant, but I haven't heard. Miss Smith said she would come in tomorrow to shop "if it wasn't hot," but how am I to know what it feels like in the morning at Newburyport? I want to ask her advice about some inexpensive rugs and curtains that I have my eye on. Of course there are several things which we shall have to buy to run the kitchenette. I have found a nice oil-stove, without any wick at all and though it seems some expensive I think it will pay in usefulness and we shall need it in South Hadley wherever we live for there is no good gas anywhere in the town. I have found two cabinet chairs either one of which will be good for you, I think - of the general type of Miss Whitney's which you had at Shelburne, but not as fine wood as hers. One kind is so cheap that the hinges would fall off in no time and it would be no economy to get that. I am going to get a cot for Miss Dean like the other one we have, a national spring, and of the size to fit our mattress (if I remember it right!) I think the curtains from your room upstairs will fit for they weren't cut off to window length, but the rest are n.g.

I am glad Jessee and Fred are out of this and I hope they're having a fine time. I want to know what they decided about building this summer, and I'd like to know what the doctor really thinks about Fred's health.

I expect to get to Nashua this Sat. but how all the things will get done that lie between I don't know. I didn't get sick at all, but I just couldn't do much when it was so fearfully hot. This afternoon I went over to make my final call on Flora and Uncle Cleveland - and Flora asked me to supper Wed. night! I didn't dare refuse, so I'll go. Uncle Cleveland has felt the heat some but not as badly as he might have. He is getting rather childish in the things he wants and Flora is getting tired. Her vacation comes pretty soon and I hope she will get away a few days anyway. Flora was just starting to write to you when I got there, so she'll doubtless send you their love.

I've had to come in to see and it is so hot I can't write any more. Wear the coolest clothes you have and stay downstairs all you can. If there is anything that I can do to make you more comfortable let me know.

With much love to you -