Feb. 7, 1909Dear Aunt Emma:
This [is] abominable paper to write on but I don't seem to be able to find any better, so will have to use it. Father had a great birthday and I wish you could have been with us. He was much pleased to hear from you and very much interested in the letter from Huron. He sends his thanks for your present. He received the little book of poetry the next day, and lied it very much. He seems to be very fond of poetry. I noticed today that he was reading Miss Proctor's poems. I am still working and so could not be at home with him on his birthday, but he had quite a reception! Miss Gardner was his 1st caller and she brought him a jar of damsons, a glass of jelly and a bottle of wine, and Mr. Dane sent him a pink azalea and some yellow jonquils. Then in the afternoon Clara & Lizzie Dunn called and brought him a pink azalea. Miss Kelly heard of it being his birthday so she came with a few pinks and before she had gone Mrs. Reed arrived with the biggest, loveliest pinks I ever saw. The Ferdinands sent in a very tempting dish of fruit and the Littlefields a fancy basket of fruit. Jessee sent a nice letter and she and Bertha sent $4.00 and my cousin Mrs. Marden sent a letter and a box of soft home made candy. Grace did not remember when his birthday was but when she heard of it the next day, she came out to see him and gave him a pot of pink hyacinths. Some of the neighbors came in in the evening so you see he had a day to remember and he felt very happy, but he was disappointed because none of Walter's folks called. Carrie sent him a card to show that she remembered him.
Thank you for sending on that letter from Huron. We were glad to hear from our Western relatives. So Lillian is married but she hasn't a very pretty name, has she? Is the Irving spoken of Mr. Wagner?
I have concluded that Walter made a New Year resolution for he has been out to the house on 3 successive Saturday afternoons. Did I write you that Laura and Besse attended automobile school 5 days in the week?
Grace met me after work yesterday and we took lunch together and then she came out home with me. She is well and very happy.
I suppose you have read of the great revival here in Boston. I would like to hear Mr. Chapman but there is no opportunity. Well, I'll bring my letter to a close, hoping to hear from you again soon.
With love to Abby & yourself,