Dec 20Dear Emma & George
Almost Christmas when so many things remind us of the great love of God to man. Why were we made so that such a terrible sacrifice must be made for our redemption? I cant reconcile the thought can you? Still we all feel it is true and that we have no right to question it. Geo do you ever feel this may be your last here? I often do and for the last few weeks here more than ever I have got to that stage where almost everything seems a burden and it is only by will power I can some days to keep around -
Can either of you get out in this cold weather each day here grows colder and now while I am writing the house is rocking quite a little with the hard cold wind now I dread it for I cant breathe in the cold air so I cant go to church at all[.] How strange it seems dont it I stay at home Sab. after Sab, no service to attend but it wont be so "over there" a sad thing came to one family of six little ones on our street to day the oldest thirteen the youngest just came to their home - father and mother were buried together - neither knew how ill the other was as the father was in the hospital but both passed away so near each other that one funeral did for both and all those little orphans left behind - Why? such things are so strange I suppose Abby will soon be with you am so glad you have her and hope she is now well and will be spared for a comfort in your old age she is such a good daughter[.[ What should we do without these comforts God is good I thought he permits suffering perhaps we bring it on ourselves[.] How I wish we could once more spend Christmas together and how I would love to have Mittie and her family with us but our presents are small this year so many to do for and only Jessee earn[s] [?] we send just a little token of love I hope you will enjoy the little book I have it twice and think it fine you may have read it already another "The Simple Life" by Wagner is very fine - Remember lots of love goes with the little gifts - as the great love went with the greatest gift - All the families meet at ST's Man [?] but I dont think Emma or I will be there E fell on the street and cracked the bones as well as sprained her wrist she has had it since Thurs. it is doing well and she hopes to get the splints of[f] Thurs grandma Ballard is very poorly like you & I Geo. Nearing home, they expect about 40 to dinner - Now good night
Lots of love from all - may send package Wed.
Abby.[The sender is Emeline's sister Mary Abigail. Jessee, Emma and Mittie are Mary Abigail's daughters. Mary Abigail and Emeline's husband George truly didn't have much time left; she passed away just a few weeks after this letter was written, and George passed away about six months later. Grandma Ballard must have rallied; she was still alive in Dec 1906. S.T. is Samuel Thomas Wellman, who was Mary Abigail's stepson.]