[There were many misspellings and unusual capitalizations; I didn't mark each one.]Wells March 18 -83
Dear Brother and Sister
I Rec your Card informing me of the Death of our mother. I written [sic] A letter and through neglect was not mailed and that Evening Rec the sad tidings that Death had done his werk Ema had you sent me A telegram of her sickness I should have Come down at all Events, but its now to[o] late for reflecting and all we can do is to honor the losse [sic] of A sainted, mother and I believe that if there is an hereafter and A Place of Rewards & Punishments that She is this Day in the Armes of our Blessed Jesus with the Glorified Saints of Earth saived [sic] by the Blood of Jesus Ema how is John on the Subject of Religeon [sic] is he Cold and indiferent [sic] as to his Soules salvation what could he say to Mother [...] for I dont think that mother left the world without pleading with him to get Religeon I wish that Every Member of our Diferent Families were followers of Jesus for one. I intend for one to meet my Father Mother & all the loved ones that have passed over to the promised Land Jesus being my helper. I Rec your letter in which you relate the patients with which she [held?] up under the sufering through which she had to pass in order to the Heavenly Land Glory to God who giveth us the Victory through our Love Jesus Christ[.]
Of cours[e] I will not miss her as you that was with her all the time almost Night and Day I cannot Realise that she is gone forever from us can it be posible that I shall never more see her in this world God being my helper we will meet her in the better Land where parting is no more[.]
you say that your little girl has had the [...] Mary had the measels and for over A year we thought she wld go into Consumption and the Doctor did not give us much Encouragement but she got over it at last and she is [...ed] as any Girl now[.]
is George at work for the Iron Company now I see they are to Have A new Superintendent what is the trouble are they runing the whole works
you spoke about the money how much did Mother have left after she had got through but what is money in Comparison to A Mother
let us write often and not be such strangers my Children are Scatered all around somehere [sic] and another there George is in Colorado in A placed Caled La Junta in the Southern part John in D[...] Emeline & Carry are about 150 miles west from here so you see that I am almost Alone I shall return to LaCrosse before long that is my Home and I shall go back before long and there shall stay
Give my Love to all inquiring
from your Brother G H [George Henry] Cogswell