An Undated Letter, but perhaps dating around Feb 1907

My dear Mrs. Turner:

Abby and I have just finished our supper of pop-corn and milk and we wished you were here to have some with us. Did your ears burn while we talked about you? I don't believe you would have been displeased by the things we said. I don't know how I am ever to make you understand how much I appreciate all you did for me this vacation. My own family could not have done more. If I had realized what the operation would involve I should not have come to Nashua, for it was quite too much for you and Abby to be burdened with, but this is my first experience and I shall be wiser next time. Nobody could have done more for me or made me feel more welcome and I thank you a thousand times. I hope I may some day have the chance to show you that I mean with all my heart what I say.

My tongue has been well-behaved since my return and I think I feel as well as ever again. My speech is very nearly normal again.

Abby has told you, no doubt, of the troubles that have befallen the poor Stevenses I feel so sorry for them. I hope all this evil grip germs will leave you alonge and that you will have a comfortable winter.

Believe me
With sincerest love and gratitude,
S. E. Smith.