Cleveland, Ohio -
May 9" 1909=Dearest Auntie:
When I give you our new address, #7700 Linwood Ave. you may be surprised, possibly Mittie may have written you that I have sold my house and we are now pretty well settled in our new home which I am very sure you will enjoy. It is not far from where we were living and is in a very pleasant location. We are in a terrace that is built like a half circle and we have one of the end suites. There is a lovely great lawn in front and the trees are lovely in front. Every room is as pleasant as can be and we are going to enjoy it I am sure. We are sure you will like it. It was hard to part with our lovely place but there were so many repairs to be made and my courage just gave out every time I came home and saw all that should be done at once. The gentleman who bought it is a retired physician a friend of Mr. and Mrs. Stambaugh. He made me a cash offer and it looked to me the best way to accept. it. [sic] It all happened so quickly that as yet it is like a dream.
I sent word by Mrs Stambaugh one Wednesday noon what I would take (he had asked her the day before to find out for him) and that afternoon he and Mrs. MacFarland came up to look the place over, then in the evening he came to see me and told me just what he would do, the next morning I telephoned him he could have it. Wasn't that quick work and no real-estate man or commission to both with?
Sometime I will probably build but not now. Dont think for one minute Auntie dear that it will make a bit of difference about your coming for it will not. We will be just as happy to have you with us here, and can make you real comfortable, I'm sure.
Thank you very much for your kind invitation to visit you this summer. How I wish I knew whether or not I ought to. It is uncertain as yet. I do want to. Mittie has written me too and Louise said this afternoon she was expecting me. Mina is coming home, they expect; S.T. wrote me that they were in a hotel at Coronado Beach when they discovered Lucy and Dr. Fink were there too. I'll just enclose the letter for you to read. [no longer with the letter] I received a letter from Mina last week. They were all at Lucy's in San Francisco. Were expecting to stay there a week. Says they have a lovely home and were so nice to them.
It all seems so strange.
Annie is not well and I rather think Mina is coming home on her account mostly.
The girls and Emma have gone to bed. Do you know I have not been to church to-day. We moved yesterday and it was such hard work and it was about midnight before we got to-bed so we all over slept this morning
andReally we were so stiff and lame that it was hard work to move. We are nearly settled as the rugs were all down and the lace curtains up and most of the dishes and pictures in place before the other goods were moved in. There is a Mr. and Mrs Wellman in the terrace now from the South. Haven't met or seen them even yet.Well Auntie guess I'll have to stop writing and get to sleep too, There was lots I wanted to write but hope now to get more time for writing than I had before. It is so much quieter here. Just take real good care of yourself.
Now, with lots of love to you both, Good night from your
own loving Jessee.P.S. I'm really ashamed to send such a looking letter.
#770 Linwood Ave.
DeMoss Terrace.