A Letter written on Dec 30, 1907

Cleveland, Ohio,
Dec. 30" 1907=

Dearest Auntie and Abbie:

Before getting into bed I just want to tell you how delighted we all were with the sweet gifts. I shall prize the lovely set all the more Auntie dear, because it is your work. I only hope you did not hurt your eyes in making it, and Abbie that little pin is as sweet as can be. I have missed the other one so much, this will take its place. We, too, wish you were not so far away. It would be so lovely could we run in to see you in your cosy rooms and you come in and see us. We had a real nice Christmas. All went over to S.T's. Neither Bertha's family nor Janet were invited or remembered in any way. Neither S.T. nor Mina are real well. They have a good many things to worry them. S.T. gave Emma a check for #25.00 for a new coat. He gave me a lovely picture "Fireside Memories." Eloise drew a beautiful pin a cresent [sic] and star in Carlsbag [sic] garnets, Mary, a portfolio in leather and satin, Mina gave me the silver brust [sic] and comb to match the glass that Sam gave me several years ago. I was perfectly delighted. Mary had material for two lovely white dressed [sic] given her, one from Mina and one from Hattie.

Hattie gave me a nice buffet cover. I had lots of lovely gifts. Eight of my girls gave me a lovely copy of "The Hanging of the Crane." It was quite similar to the picture S.T. gave me. Then Cora embroidered me a beautiful center piece. Sarah Honeywell, a lovely corset cover, Edna Schleicher, a lovely little work apron. Then I had a lovely plate, olive dish, nut bowl silver teaspoon, cut glass dish, two boxes of stationery, five lovely handkerchiefs, four other pictures, four calanders [sic], three ribbon holders, some knit edging for a pair of drawers (from Grandma Richmond) a burnt wood box, fan bag, and quite a number of other pretty things. I just wish you could see them. I certainly dont know why Santa Claus should be so good to me.=

I suppose, Abbie, you had a lovely time at New Haven, did you not? It would do you good to get away from your work for a few days. I am sorry through that you are having so much trouble with your ears. That is the same trouble Little Mary Alice Eastwood and Julia Comstock both had. I am so glad you like my pictures. Am glad too that Mittie did get round to write at last. I haven't had a letter yet.=

Abbie, dont work too hard. How your work has increased, hasn't it? You will surely have to have more help. This is an awfully busy time for me at the office. I brought a lot of work home with me tonight. Am so sleepy now, can hardly keep my eyes open.

Emma has had an attack of of [sic] the grip. Is better now but not real well. The girls are both real well. They will write you soon I think.

Gordon was brought home from the hospital last Saturday. He has gotten along finely. Will no doubt be much stronger now.

I will have to bring this to a close for this time and get into bed. With a great big heart full of love for you both and thanking you again for the sweet gifts, good night -

From your own Jessee.
Love from all