A Letter written on Oct 20, 1907

Cleveland, Ohio -
Oct. 20" 1907

Dearest Auntie and Abbie:-

Well the National Council has met and gone and we are again by ourselves. We had a most delightful visit with Dr Beard. He didn't get here until Saturday (a week ago yesterday) but we saw quite a good deal of him after all. He was here to breakfasts and one day he came over to the works and had lunch with me., [sic] then we went over to "Open Hearth" and one morning we took a ride out thro' Gordon and Wade Parks before I went to work. It was a delightful morning and we had a lovely ride. He is just as good as ever. Wouldn't mind if we had him with us all the time. He had been to Nashua and had a very cordial reception. Dr. Bolster was in Cleveland and I did try hard to arrange to have him out here to dinner some night but didn't succeed. I saw him on the street car one night when I was going over to one of the meetings. He said he was on a committee that kept him very busy. I was sorry that I didnt [sic] know he was coming and had him out here with Dr. Beard but it was too late for Dr. Maile of Los Angeles had been assigned to us. He was lovely. We enjoyed what few meetings we did attend. I heard a few of the good speakers. Dr. Gordon Dr. Jefferson, Dr. Cadman Prof. Steiner, Dr. Dawson, and quite a number more. It was a wonderful meeting. There were said to be about 1000 delegates.

I was so sorry not to hear Miss Woolley. Mina and Abbie did and spoke with her afterwards. She spoke in the afternoon so I missed her.

Emma is pretty well tired out for we were up every night for nearly two weeks till midnight and she was up early in the morning. Got a little tired myself, but it paid. The delegate were nearly worn out listening. All this about what we have been doing, I wonder what you are doing? Are you all settled by this time. We have our house all lighted with electricity now and it is just lovely. Our dining room is so pretty as we have had it newly papered. Wish you could run in and see us. Cant [sic] you come out at Christmas time? We would so love to have you. Bertha is to be married next Thursday. Only the brothers and sisters will be there beside his Father and Mother. I was over there last night to practice the wedding march. She will be married at 12 o'clock. Will go for a very short trip somewhere.

I have been over to S.T.'s this afternoon. Mina is so thin. She just grows poor all the time only weighs 120 pounds. Says that is less than she has weighed since she was married. She misses grandma so dreadfully. Annie is still in Chicago with Addie. May stay all winter. Louise is happy in her school work. She is a lovely girl. Has taken a class in a new Bohemian Mission that has been opned here. That comes Sunday afternoons. She also has a class in the Euclid Ave S.S. - Besse just thinks the world and all of her.

Emma has been having a sick head ache all day. She has them a good deal lately[.] Eloise is surprising me. I feared she wouldnt [sic] get along well but she has had a test in her Latin, Natural History and Mythology and stood over 80 in all of them - 85 in her history. If she will do as well as that all the way through I'll not complain. She likes her work. I want to tell you about Hubert Beard. He is 15 years old and in [sic] now a freshman in Fargo College - leading his class - skipped 3 years and caught up with Ralph. He is also a wonderful musician has taken 2 lessons from his mother and 1 from Marguerite and can play anything that is written. Dr. says he reads music like lightning and plays Beethoven's Sonata's with an expression that just melts your heart. He is a wonder. Is not strong tho'. is almost as tall and large as his father. Marguerite is teaching piano, vocal and harmony at Tilton Seminary. They are justly proud of their little family.

Well this is quite a Beard letter, but I knew you would be interested to hear about them. I am in a quandary to know what to do about selling our home. There are several who want it but I hate to give it up.=

O, by the way, I had a surprise the other day. Received a letter (rather two letters) from Dr. Sprague. Wish you could read them. He wrote one last February and thought he had mailed it but found it among some other papers and so wrote another enclosing the first. I sent him one of our Magnet ads nearly two years ago and the first letter was an acknowledgement of that but in the last one he referred to our "Old Maids Retreat" and expressed his surprise at the mistaken idea that Fred and he got regarding Mr. Eastwood. Said "Fred says there is still a chance for some old batch." He also said the evenings were getting long and lonesome. Do you suppose if I would write him to come to Cleveland he would come? Had I better I nearly fell over when I got the letters.

Well you will be worn out reading this nonsense if I dont [sic] stop so Ill [sic] just say good night and go to bed. Do write me all about your little home. I want to know just how you are situated.

With lots of love from us all, I remain, just the
same Jessee.

Last Sunday Dr Beard was with us all day.