A Letter written on Mar 28, 1909

Hescock & Atwood,
Manufacturers of
Yarns, Cloths & Hosiery

Phillips, Maine, Sunday.

Dear Aunt Emma -

Well I was surprised to receive that coveted apron and too since I had had no notice of your departure, nevertheless it was very acceptable & I shall keep it for special occasions - thank you very much for it & I will sometime see that one fills its place one you. I had a very pleasant birthday - had lots of pretty cards - & several letters, always so welcome - a handsome gold pin from Mrs. Adams- (an old lady here). Mrs. Noble gave me the tucked lawn & muslin trimmings for a shirt waist & is to cut & fit it for me. Josie Larabee brought me the handsomest birthday cake that I ever set eyes on - Louise sent me a lovely linen & lace center-piece for the dinning [sic] table & one of her beautiful pictures (not the cap & gown one) beside your lovely apron, was'nt that a well remembered day? Reno & Newman are taking a nap & Frank has gone to meeting so I am here alone. Reno went to Orono to see Albert for a week - had the time of his life. While there went to Bangor & had his nose treated the Dr. said it was'nt adenoids but the lining of his nose was so thickened that the air space was narrowed & gave no space to breathe so he had one electric treatment & ought to have two more for a cure - he can breathe lots better already - uses a spray, of some kind of tablets dissolved in water, twice a day will for six weeks & he thinks it will relieve him much, - still I think Reno far from well - he is anxious for the snow to go for his running to begin - he runs now to school every day - his mind is made up to go to college anyway but what he wants to do is another thing - he is doing beutifully [sic] with his music & must keep on with that anyway. You ought to see the snow drifts - the snow is still up to the middle of the front kitchen windows, has been way to the top of both windows, I can now see, sitting down, the street from the sitting-room - but hav'nt for weeks until now. The road is still above the top of the high fence at the fare [sic] ground & fully three or four feet all the way above the hydrants. I am tired to death of the sight of snow - but it won't be long now before you & Abby will be here - & gone for time does fly so fast. Newman is now taking music lessons of Leucille French - she & her father & mother just drove past. Frank has painted every room in the house for me & as soon as I find the chink shall have the room papered for they need it so much Bill has had all of her rooms painted & papered and grandpa has had all of his downstairs - they look real nice. Grandpa is very poorly, he looks terribly & suffers lots or would were it not for the morphine he takes.

The string beans that I canned last fall are just delicious taste as if just picked from the garden - we will put in an extra lot of things for you and Abby - Mrs. Libby still takes daily rides with Jack Haley but are not as yet married. Mrs Shepard has been terribly sick but is all right now, often asks for you & is glad you are coming again. Will Schofield is now one of the carriers one the "Rural Free Delivery" and thinks the fresh air is doing him good -

Did I tell you that Mertie Hascock Kinney was to have an addition to her family this spring? Reno met Mr. Redman & liked him much - Has Abby decided where to go to school next year? Mina wrote me that she should keep Louise with her another next summer so of course it won't be down here. I wish Abbie would write Jessie to be sure & come down here next summer. I think she will if urged so to do, & have her tease hard - how would it be to invite Fred too?

They tell me that ear rings are all in style so I have got a pair in of my lovely old ones - I have something nice left in that line. Must leave to go to grandpa's love to Abby & your own dear self - don't wait for me but write when you can - thanks again for the apron & letter, lovingly yours -
