Der Kaiserhof Leipzig
Robert Börner
Königl. Sächs. und Herzogl. Sächs. Hoflieferant
Hoflieferant Seiner Königl. Hoheit Prinz Johann Georg, Herzog zu Sachsen und Seiner Großherzogl. Hoheit Prinz
Miximilian von Baden
Elektrisches Licht. * Centralheizung. * Lift.
Telegramm-Adresse: Kaiserhof, Leipzig. o Fernsprech-Anschluss No 1205Leipzig, den 26 1914
My dear Mrs. Turner,
I think you will enjoy seeing this picture. [no longer with the letter] I saw the original in Dresden. The colorings on this card are not quite so dainty and delicate as those in the original but I hope you can get a little idea of it.
We saw, also, the lovely Sistine Madonna and Hoffmann's Christ in the Temple. I was much disappointed not to get a card of the latter but they are not made. Of course we saw many other lovely pictures which I shall not be able to remember, I am afraid
I hope you are enjoying Amherst. Give my love to your daughter and Beryl - I'd like to see you, all this morning -
Very sincerely yours
Ada M. Paige