Hotel Lenox
BuffaloSat. P.M.
Dear Mamma:-
I still have a few sheets of this paper left which I'll use up on you.
My trunk came Thursday night. I was glad enough to see it for I was worried for fear it was seriously lost. Things were much wrinkled, but I wear them just the same.
Thursday forenoon Miss Smith and I walked up to a lovely fall about 3 miles in - but I guess I wrote you of that. Thursday night after my trunk came I telephoned the Tylers and Friday we had a fine tramp with them - Prof. and Mrs. Tyler and the two girls. We went in by the same Mossy Fall as the day before, then climbed up into a fairly level place strewn with huge boulders, King's Ravine. The wall of it is very steep, but we followed the trail up and then over to Madison Hut - a place where campers stay between Madison and Adams. We had our lunch overlooking the other side of the mountains from what we see here and came back by a trail which keeps somewhere near one of the brooks. We saw two of the falls - very pretty, both of them. I'm sending Miss Dean a picture of one. We got home just in time for supper. I'm some lame today, but it was worth it.
This forenoon I went down to Alice's to return the clothes she loaned me and they kept me for dinner. Mr. Blood is staying up on the mountain with a company of men who are at work on the trails. Robert is in the office here for a few weeks and it is pleasant to see him. Alice has made you some cranberry jelly which I'll bring down. Isn't she good?
I have heard from the W.E. & I.U. and the Spr. Y.W.C.A. and they suggest three persons whom I shall interview. I'll have to go down to Boston of course to do it on my way home.
Anna Yates is not to be in South Hadley for the year though she will come to get her things.
Remember me to those in the house.
Much love to you -