A Memorial Written on Jan 31, 1906

In Memoriam

In the recent death of our venerable brother, Past Commander Deacon George Turner, aged 80 years, we feel that our Commandery has lots its oldest and one of its most useful and respected members.

Brother Turner had been a loyal member of the U.O.G.C. for more than twenty seven years - a member of the Hudson Commandery for upwards of twenty two years, and our efficient Noble Commander for seven terms.

He was quiet and unassuming: but he was faithful, honest & upright in all his associations, and intercourse with his fellow man. He practiced the Golden Rule in his daily life.

He has left a monument better than marble or granite - "He was an Honest Man."

May we all strive to emulate his sterling virtues, & when we shall receive a like summons to quit the scenes of this life for the higher existence beyond, may we each & all be equally as well entitled as he to the welcome plaudit: "Well done good & faithful servant."

We extend to the bereaved widow of the deceased, and to his ever loving daughter, our most heartfelt sympathy in this time of sad affliction, & we would direct them ot the Great Source of all that is Good.

We reccommend [sic] this memorial be placed upon our book of records, that it be published in the Golden Cross Journal, & that a copy of it be given to the family of the deceased, & that our charter be draped with the emblems of mourning for thirty days.

Hudson, N.H., Jan. 31. 1906

Kimball Webster
Frances M. Cummings.     Committee
Lucy A. Joy.